Today's Gospel reading is about a lot of things, but today I want to focus on power. This is one of the most difficult parables that Jesus told, and Luke doesn't really explain very well what Jesus meant. So then after the parable it looks like several authors tacked on a bunch of other sayings or explanations, including “You cannot serve God and wealth.”
Another difficulty comes with translation. The word for wealth
here is “dishonest wealth.” “You can't serve God and dishonest wealth.”
Then there is the contradiction that the master commended the
dishonest manager and later when the Gospel reads “whoever is dishonest in a
very little is dishonest also in much.”
Dishonesty gets commended and rebuked in the same reading!
Some have said that the manager was caught between the land
owner and the debtors, with the landowner always wondering if the manager was
doing a good job and the debtors always resentful that the manager was
squeezing every last penny out of them. So when the manager lost his job, he
had to think of something to help himself. He slashed the debt, so he would at
least have some friends among the debtors. The debtors all threw him a party.
So when the landowner showed up, everyone was thanking the landowner for his
generosity, as well and suddenly everyone loved the rich landowner, too. So
rather than get mad or heap the debt back on, the landowner just thanked the
steward. He was so rich that he wouldn't even miss that money the manager
slashed. Maybe the rich man learned that friendship and relationships are more
important than money and eking out every little drop he could get from those
The reading becomes slightly clearer when placed in context,
surprise, surprise! If you don't understand something from the Bible, it can
often be helpful to read what comes before it and what comes after it. Just
before this reading is the story of another person who squandered or wasted his
property, and that is the prodigal son. In the story of the Prodigal Son,
though, the father is waiting with open arms for his son to return home and
forgives him and throws him a party.
In this parable, today, the rich man is waiting in judgment over
his steward. He doesn't even let him defend himself. He's already made up his
mind that his steward is guilty.
Jesus is telling both of these stories in the midst of the
Disciples and Scribes and Pharisees and the tax collectors and sinners. He
tells them to the Disciples. They are close to Jesus. They have power because
of that, whether they realize it or not. Sometimes they are able to heal people
or cast out demons. Sometimes they just want to make sure their special relationship,
their power in relationship to Jesus gets them a front row seat in the heavenly
kingdom. Jesus is giving them two examples of how power can be used.
He's telling the Pharisees and Scribes who also have power and
need to use it well. He's telling it to the tax collectors because they are
often like the steward or manager, stuck in the middle. He's encouraging them
to be creative in their response and he's telling them that relationships are
more important than money. And he's talking to the sinners, because they are
the debtors and their debt is getting slashed. God cares about them. God
treasures them and finds value in them, as we learned last week. God is
We are powerful. On the one hand we can use our power to forgive
and welcome and celebrate. On the other hand we can use our power to judge and
condemn. Some of that power is financial. Many of us have enough money to be
pretty comfortable. Some of it is our skin color. Most of us can drive down the
street without constant fear of getting stopped by the police. We can get
approval for our loan applications. We can get an Uber driver or an Air BNB. We
don't realize the roadblocks that people with darker skin experience. Sometimes
it's our gender. Sometimes it is our profession. Sometimes it's our height or
language. We are powerful. We are privileged.
Now God is asking us—how will we use our power? How we use our
power might partly depend on how we see God. Some see God as a stern judge.
Others see God as a forgiving parent. Will we use our power to welcome and
share that power, to look foolish and undignified, throwing a party and sharing
our wealth and power, giving people second chances, not hiding our enthusiasm
to be in relationship with them? Or will we use our power like this rich man,
judging people, just trying to earn more money for himself, firing people and
making their lives miserable, taking advantage of his debtors, the poor who are
working the land?
Of course we do both. These days we can trample on the needy and
never know it. We don't know the working conditions of the people who make our
clothes. We try to buy things made in America, however many of us don't realize
that most manufacturing in the US is prison labor, in effect, slave labor, for
people who don't make but a few pennies for that work. We don't know where much
our food comes from, what forests were cut down to grow it, who harvests it, or
what the crop or fertilizer or pesticides do to the soil or the economy. One
woman who shops for Backpack Buddies was saying that she started shopping at
Walmart, because the lower prices meant she could serve 30% more kids. However,
those kids might as well be the same kids who are receive the Backpack Buddies
food each weekend, children of people who work at places like Walmart and can't
make a living wage.
We can pollute the earth and never know our personal part in it.
We can drive past a person who is in desperate need and never see our own
responsibility. We are blind to our own part, our own sin.
On the other hand we are faithful. We volunteer. We are
generous. We are kind. We forgive. We welcome.
Now sometimes we are not in such a position of power. I have
seen people treat seniors like little children. I have heard doctors talk about
their patients as if they are not there in the room. We get ill. We lose our
job. We have to give up most of our possessions and go into assisted living.
Our driver's license gets revoked. We feel powerless to help our grown child
who suffers from domestic violence, or alcoholism, or mental illness. There are
plenty of times we are in the chair of the steward, losing our power or in the
shoes of the debtors, powerless to do anything to help ourselves.
This story urges us to be creative. The manager could have told
his boss to “Take this job and shove it!” He could have told him all the things
that were wrong with him and his business. But he didn't burn that bridge. He
asked himself what he would need going forward. He would need friends. What
would be a way to make friends and make his boss look good? Cancel some debts.
What power did he have and how could he use it to help himself and others?
We don't know what ultimately happens to this steward, just as
we don't ultimately know what happens to the prodigal son. But they are both
practical, eventually, and they both get commended. For them, the money was no
longer there, the power was no longer there. That is true for all of us. No
matter how powerful we are, we all face powerlessness. However, there are some
kinds of power that last longer than others. Money is pretty short-lived and
not very flexible. There are certain things you can't buy, such as true
friendship. However, there are other kinds of power, such as the power of
creativity that can help change a powerless situation into one of strength, and
the power of relationships that can get us through hard times. The most
powerful forces are not money or possessions. They are the power of love, the
power of compassion, the power of relationship.
That's what God wants for us, to guide us into life-giving
relationships of compassion.
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