Zephaniah 3:14-20
Philippians 4:4-7
Celebrate! Dance around! Smile!
Hoot and holler! God’s Kingdom is
right here! Rejoice in the face of
fear! Fear comes from Empire trying to
control you. Fear comes when the
powerful are keeping more for themselves and trampling over everyone else. Fear comes when people are living under
oppression, when they have so many rules they are crushed by them, when people
are disconnected from each other, divided.
Fear comes when corrupt leaders make their agenda, the agenda, when they
only follow their own interests, when the poor are silenced. Defy the fear and empire which causes it, the
systems that perpetuate it. Instead, rejoice!
Rejoice that you are no longer in danger from your
enemies that were pursuing you. Were you
pursued by hunger or insecurity, were you pursued by robbers or by debts, were
you pursued by illnesses, were there people out to get you? Rejoice, you have nothing to fear.
Rejoice O God!
Rejoice that the people are not acting as your enemies anymore, but that
we are one family, reunited.
Rejoice O church of Philippi! Their teacher, Paul, was far away. He was imprisoned. But God is actually near. That is a reason to celebrate! Paul gave thanks for the church in
Philippi. They had sent a gift to Paul,
and he sent this letter back, rejoicing over them. He gave thanks to God for them and he warned
them not to participate in the fear-causing empire. Instead, rejoice!
Rejoice, John, that the crowds have come to be
baptized. This is new life! This is a new start. People have left the cities, departed
Jerusalem and the seats of power and wandered out to the desert. They are looking for power in new
places. They are opening themselves to
new experiences. They are open to new
teaching. They are asking questions and
they are interested in the answers. They
are not afraid of being called snakes.
Here they come, to the river, to humble themselves, to join in a
community, to be washed clean, to show they are vulnerable and searching
because their empire lives have not been giving them the answers they were
looking for.
Rejoice in the desert, a place so ancient and
expansive and powerful that even empire can’t crush it. Come out to the wilderness, the place of
unexpected silence and unexpected new life.
Rejoice you brood of vipers, you baby snakes! Rejoice, all sinners, fleeing from the cities
and the halls of power to experience something new, to listen to God’s voice,
to open yourselves to a new life.
Rejoice that your reptile brain doesn’t have to rule your life, that you
can make room for deeper thought and for one another.
Rejoice, crowds, that even when it seems all is lost,
that new life emerges. Rejoice that even
when trees are cut down, still a righteous branch can spring up, the branch of
Jesse’s family line. Even when the tree
doesn’t bear fruit and it is pruned or chopped down, even when it seems it is
too late, even when the branches have burned, there may be just below the
surface, a glimmer of life. God is able
out of dead trees, to bring life. God is
able, out of stones, to raise up children.
God is able to take dry bones and breathe new life into them. Even when our empire life, our crushing,
slaving life, our earth-killing life destroys all that we have known, even when
we die, still it is not too late for God to do a new thing. That is worth rejoicing over.
Rejoice that we have enough to share.
I have two coats, there is even something I can do. Rejoice that we have clothing. Rejoice that we have an income. Rejoice that we have food. Rejoice that we have power. And how can we express this rejoicing and
thanksgiving? Give it away. Our food is not for storing, but for
eating. Our coats are taking up too much
space, anyway—give them away. Our power
is not for hoarding or using just for us—share it. Anything we have is a burden to carry, but
rejoice! There is a solution—share!
Those who have nothing, rejoice, and be filled with
expectation, because soon those coats and that food that were languishing in
closets and cupboards, will be flowing to all those in need, to you! Rejoice, soon everyone will have something to
eat and will experience the goodness of God.
Rejoice, because when God washes away our sin and
sends us forward in a Kingdom life, there will be no more bullying or extortion
or high interest rates. No one will
discriminate against anyone else based on religion or gender or race or
class. Rejoice because we are truly one
and when we walk in the Kingdom way, we will act like it!
Rejoice, because the Powerful One is coming! This one is more poweful than all the powers
of this world, the crushing powers, the greedy powers, the enslaving, dividing
powers. The all-powerful one is coming,
the one who uses power for the good of
all, the one who shares power, the one who lets go of power to die and empower
everyone. The all-powerful one is coming
and we have been adopted into his family.
We are good creation, the beloved children, inheritors of eternal life. Rejoice!
Rejoice, because God is coming in judgment! We usually shrink from judgment, but judgment
just means that we will be seen as we are.
God already knows what is in our hearts.
God already knows where we fall short.
God already knows our selfish, fearful thoughts. But God also knows when we are generous, and
that we long to do better. God knows our
longing to be near to God. God knows
when we take the time with someone who doesn’t have anyone else. God knows that we’ve shared our food and our
coats. God knows when we’ve sat by the
bed of someone who is sick, or visited someone who is lonely, or sent a care
package to someone deployed overseas, or taken in an orphan or a foster child
or an exchange student, or a stray cat or dog.
God sees when we reuse what we have or use our gifts to create
something. God sees when we look someone
in the eye and tell them a difficult truth.
God sees when we make use of what we have. God knows when we humble ourselves and ask
forgiveness. God hears our prayers. God knows us.
We don’t have to be afraid of God’s judgment, because we know God
already loves us, and that God is merciful.
Rejoice in the judgment, because then we can put aside our act, our
pretense, and just rest in the arms of the one who loves us unconditionally,
and has come to set things right.
Rejoice in the runaway truck ramp. This broken world sometimes seems like a
truck careening down the hill without breaks, out of control, powerful and
dangerous, on a path of destruction. It
seems unstoppable. However, God has put
safeguards in place. See this runaway
truck ramp sign. We need not fear the
out of control powers of this world. They
will not go on indefinitely. They will
not take out everything in their path.
There are ways to slow everything down, and get it reversed in another
direction, a way to stop and make repairs and start over. Advent is a good time to bring to a halt the
powers that seek to destroy. Advent is a
good time for self-reflection, “Is this what life is all about, or am I on a
careening path about to crash?” “What
powers of this world are out of control and who is in the way that needs
protection?” John says, “Repent.” There is a way to put a stop to this
dangerous path: Reflection, baptism, repentance, sharing, being content with
what you have, standing up against injustice and greed.
Rejoice in the removal of the chaff. The chaff is the protective outer layer of
the seed. It is good for protecting
seeds, keeping them dry, keeping out mold and rot. However, the chaff is temporary. It is meant to break off and let the seed
grow or provide nutrients. The chaff may
be burned or crushed off, but it eventually separates from the seed. We all have a protective layer—sometimes it
is two coats or even 5 or 6 coats, to make sure we don’t go without. Sometimes it is extra food to keep us safe
from hunger. Sometimes it is a savings
account. Sometimes it is our favorite
pew. Sometimes it is doing things the
way we always have. Sometimes it is our
pretenses. But today, the chaff, the
protective layer is being thrown into the fire, and we are left here
vulnerable, in need of God’s protection, exposed. And we find that fear isn’t going to help
us. Instead, we find ourselves
rejoicing, because we are seen and known, because that protective layer wasn’t
serving us anymore, because now we can spread out and grow with the new life
that God is giving us.
Rejoice O little congregation, that God is working
through you, that you are connected to neighbors and other churches that will
help you and that you can lend a hand to.
Rejoice that you have God’s abundance, over 50 years of history of God’s
faithfulness here, bringing you through difficult times and never abandoning
you. Rejoice that you have the strength
of leaders, that everyone shares their gifts and talents. Rejoice in the ministry that we have done
together and that will still go on.
Rejoice in one another, your connections, your encouragement, your
prayer for one another.
And rejoice in the coming of Christ! None of us are alone. We belong to the one who made us and sustains
us. We belong to the one who saved us,
our Good Shepherd, our King of Kings. Rejoice in him at our center, and rejoice by
serving him. Thank God by continuing in
faithfulness, volunteering, stepping up, sharing our food and clothing and
money with all in need.
Today I am rejoicing because of all of you and because
of the faithfulness of our Savior Jesus.
May you find yourselves rejoicing, too, and the rejoicing will go on
because God is near.